Four Societies International Law Conference, Japan, 2018

  • 02 Jun 2018
  • 03 Jun 2018
  • Tokyo
The international law societies of Australia and New Zealand, Canada, Japan, and the United States (the ‘Four Societies’) have held six conferences bringing together early career scholars around a common theme, generally leading to an edited volume. The goal of this initiative is to foster a scholarly network between members of the four sponsoring societies.

The Steering Committee for the Seventh Conference invites paper proposals for the Seventh Four Societies of International Law conference to be held in Japan, 2-3 June 2018.

The theme of the 2018 conference is ‘Changing Actors in International Law’ and ANZSIL members are invited to submit papers addressing any issue connected with the role and relevance of non-state actors in international law. These include the influence of non-state actors in the making and implementation of international law; the challenges that non-state actors can pose to the international order, such as in the context of armed conflict; the concept of statehood and the extent to which conceptions of state-centric international law are being strengthened or weakened; and the status of non-state actors in international dispute settlement. Please see the full Call for Papers.

Paper proposals should comprise an abstract not exceeding 300 words together with a one-page CV. Submissions should be made to, with the subject line “2018 Four Societies Conference Paper Proposal: [Your Name]”. The closing date for submissions is 31 January 2018.

Each sponsoring society will select four papers, subject to the review and approval of the Steering Committee comprised of members from the Four Societies. Preference will be given to papers by those who are in the early stages of their careers.

Contact us:

ANZSIL Secretariat | Centre for International and Public Law 
ANU College of Law | The Australian National University | 5 Fellows Road | Canberra ACT 2601

ABN: 94 662 977 865 

© 2008-2015 Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law.
Images reproduced with the permission of the ANU College of Law, Australian National University and Law Faculty, Victorian University of Wellington.
Please direct all enquiries to: ANZSIL Secretariat | Page authorised by President, ANZSIL
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