We are proud to publish the ANZSIL Perspective. These are short notes on matters relevant to our members. From 2021, Perspectives will be published on a dedicated public website and ANZSIL members will receive the Perspective by email in addition to the website link.  It is hoped that ANZSIL Perspectives will generate discussion and contribute to thoughtful debate on major issues of international law. The ANZSIL Editorial Committee welcomes submissions of articles for publication in the Perspective series. Before preparing your article please see the guidelines on drafting a Perspective and contact the ANZSIL Secretariat.

The ANZSIL Perspective Editorial Committee is headed by Professor Felicity Gerry QC (Deakin)and comprises Alberto Alvarez-Jimenez (Waikato), Professor Holly Cullen (UWA) (book reviews editor) and Caroline Foster (Auckland).  Bec Jonas (formerly, AG's) and Daye Gang (Monash) are the Perspective sub-editors.

Please see the current call for Perspectives here.

For the latest ANZSIL Perspective and all Perspectives published from 2021 onwards, please go to the ANZSIL Perspective website.

You can access the ANZSIL Perspective Archive (2015 - 2020) here.

Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law
ANZSIL Secretariat | c/o ANU College of Law | The Australian National University | 5 Fellows Road | Canberra ACT 2601
ABN 94 662 977 865

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