
ANZSIL convenes an Annual Conference, held in Australia or New Zealand on a rotating basis. The conference has established itself as the principal gathering for international law scholars and practitioners in Australia and New Zealand.

In conjunction with the Annual Conference, ANZSIL holds a Postgraduate Research Students Workshop. The workshop provides postgraduate degree research students with an opportunity to present their research to their peers, to discuss their experiences of postgraduate research and to make academic and professional connections.

ANZSIL has also participated in the biennial Four Societies Conference, a forum for early career researchers which is held in conjunction with three other national societies (the American, Canadian and Japanese societies).

The ANZSIL Interest Groups convene workshops and other events from time to time. Details can be found on the page of the relevant interest group.

Upcoming events

Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law Limited
ANZSIL Secretariat | c/o ANU College of Law, Governance and Policy | Australian National University | 5 Fellows Road | Canberra ACT 2601
ABN 77 683 130 190

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