Financial Support for Events or Activities

Providing that sufficient funds are available, ANZSIL endeavours to provide financial support for additional events and activities consistent with its aims.

Requests for financial support from ANZSIL to convene events or activities should be made in accordance with the Guidelines below.


1. The principal activity of ANZSIL is the convening of the annual conference. However, providing that sufficient funds are available, ANZSIL also endeavours to provide financial support for additional events and activities convened by Members of the Society, consistent with its aims of:

  • Developing and promoting the discipline of international law.
  • Supporting the teaching of international law.
  • Providing a forum for academics, government lawyers, NGOs, students and practitioners of international law to discuss research and issues of practice in international law.
  • Increasing public awareness and understanding of international law.
  • Liaising with other bodies in promoting any of these objects.

2. These guidelines are intended to ensure:

(i) clarity and transparency for Members applying for financial support from ANZSIL for such events and activities, and

(ii) the provision of sufficient information to ensure that all requests for financial support can be properly considered by the ANZSIL Executive Council so that the allocation of available funds is aligned with and prioritized in relation to the aims of the Society and the overall interests of its Members.

3. Invitations to apply for financial assistance may be issued by the Executive Council twice per year, in April and October. It is envisaged that successful applicants will be notified by the end of May and November each year.

4. The amount of financial support available in each round is decided by the ANZSIL Executive Council, in accordance with the approved budget of the Society for each financial year.

5. The ANZSIL Executive Council will consider the allocation of available funding in relation to the requests received according to the extent to which they will contribute to the achievement of the aims of the Society (set out above), and will also take into account:

  • whether the event or activity involves a partnership with an ANZSIL Interest Group
  • the benefit of the event to ANZSIL Members, and the number of ANZSIL Members who will be able to participate in the event or activity,
  • any other financial (or other) support received or applied for in relation to the event or activity, and
  • equitable distribution of support, taking into account geographic location and subject matter.

6. Applicants who are successful in obtaining funding from ANZSIL will be required to provide a summary of no more than 500 words about the event or activity within one month of its conclusion. These may be published in the ANZSIL newsletter or on the ANZSIL website.

7. Financial support from ANZSIL for events and activities must appropriately recognised by badging or other recognition.

8. Requests for financial assistance must be made by submission of the form at Attachment 1. Additional supporting material may also be provided. Applications may be submitted by email to

9. These guidelines do not apply to the ANZSIL Internship Support Program, which are subject to separate procedures.

Application Form

Download form.

Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law
ANZSIL Secretariat | c/o ANU College of Law | Australian National University | 5 Fellows Road | Canberra ACT 2601
ABN 94 662 977 865

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