International Law Teaching Interest Group   

The ANZIL International Law Teaching Interest Group (ILTIG) was established in 2024 to provide a space for ANZSIL members to come together to discuss their international law teaching practices, share expertise and resources, and explore new ideas for approaching international law teaching.

ANZSIL members teach in a wide variety of settings from university classrooms to government, military and non-government training programmes to public workshops. ILTIG is designed to bring people teaching in all of these spaces together and encourages discussions across different spheres.

Events and activities

ILTIG holds a minimum of two teaching workshops a year. It holds an in person teaching workshop around the time of the annual ANZSIL Conference and then an online workshop in November/December each year. ILTIG is very supportive of members organising other events and activities during the year and encourages members to put forward ideas.


The ILTIG is coordinated by two Co-Chairs, elected by ILTIG members for a two-year period. The current office holders are:

  • Anna Hood, University of Auckland (2024-2026)
  • Madelaine Chiam, La Trobe University (2024-2026)

Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law Limited
ANZSIL Secretariat | c/o ANU College of Law, Governance and Policy | Australian National University | 5 Fellows Road | Canberra ACT 2601
ABN 77 683 130 190

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