Winners of ANZSIL Publication Prizes |
2024Book Prize
Dr Alice Palmer, Natural Perception: Environmental Images and Aesthetics in International Law (CUP, 2023) Book Prize (Honourable Mentions)Dr Catherine Gascoigne, Causation in the Law of the World Trade Organisation: An Econometric Approach (CUP, 2023) Dr Brooke Marshall, Asymmetric Jurisdiction Clauses (OUP, 2023) Article/Book Chapter Prize
Anna Saunders, 'Constitution-Making as a Technique of International Law: Reconsidering the Post-War Inheritance' (2023) 117 American Journal of International Law 2023Book Prize
Dr Camille Goodman, Coastal State Jurisdiction over Living Resources in the Exclusive Economic Zone (OUP, 2021) Book Prize (Honourable Mentions)Associate Professor Madelaine Chiam, International Law in Public Debate (CUP, 2021) Associate Professor Esmé Shirlow, Judging at the Interface: Deference to State Decision-Making Authority in International Adjudication (CUP, 2021) Article/Book Chapter Prize
Associate Professor Ramona Vijeyarasa, ‘Three Decades of CEDAW Committee General Recommendations: A Roadmap for Domestication, Reporting and Stronger Accountability for Women's Rights’ (2022) 25 Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law 797. Article/Book Chapter Prize (ECR)
Rebecca Barber, ‘An Exploration of the General Assembly's Troubled Relationship with Unilateral Sanctions’ (2021) 70 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 343 |