28th ANZSIL Annual Conference | Inertia or Innovation? Reshaping International Law for a Complex Future

  • 30 Jun 2021
  • 06 Jul 2021
  • Online
  • 72

Registration is closed

How can we reshape international law in order to respond to and engage with our complex future?  Recent developments have presented distinct challenges to the effectiveness and legitimacy of international law in the form of populism, polarisation and pandemics.  More systemically, the architecture of international law – its processes, institutions and values – is being challenged by environmental change on a scale that has precipitated the beginning of a new geological epoch: the Anthropocene. Our future is increasingly complex, and that complexity is found in every area of international law.  The response of institutions and processes to recent and current challenges has been characterised at times by inertia or innovation or, in the case of the WTO, for example, both.  At the 28th ANZSIL Conference we encourage participants to reflect on whether, and if so, how, international law has been, is currently being and could be reshaped for our complex future.  

The 28th ANZSIL Annual Conference will be fully online and will be held from 30 June - 6 July 2021. Please see the dedicated ANZSIL 2021 website for details on the program and for information for registered participants.

  Conference program

Keynote speakers at the conference will include:

  • Professor Hilary Charlesworth AM FASSA (Melbourne Law School)
  • Professor Antony Anghie (National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law)
How to Register     

Please use the registration link at the bottom of the menu on the left and follow the prompts to register securely online. 

Note for conference speakers: Your place in the program will not be confirmed until you have registered for the conference.  We ask you to register or contact us as soon as possible so we can finalise the program.

Registration fees: We are charging a low registration fee in order to cover conference costs and to support ANZSIL activities, which include student internship support and small event funding.  There is no charge for students.

ANZSIL Members: 40 AUD

Non- ANZSIL Members: 70 AUD

Students: FREE *Students must email anzsil@anu.edu.au to confirm student status to receive a registration code.

We do appreciate that this has been a challenging year for academics and practitioners, particularly but not limited to those based in developing countries. If you are unable to pay the registration fee (as a speaker, chair or as a conference delegate)  please contact us via anzsil@anu.edu.au to request a registration fee waiver.

Annual Kirby Lecture in International Law

The Annual Kirby Lecture in International Law will be hosted by the ANU Centre for International and Public Law (CIPL) on the evening of Wednesday 30 June 2021. Professor Fleur Johns (University of New South Wales) will deliver this year's lecture via Zoom Webinar, which has been included in conference program.

Registration Cancellation and Refund Policy

A registrant must provide the registration confirmation details (including the email address used to pay via paypal) when submitting a written cancellation request to anzsil@anu.edu.au

Cancellation requests cannot be taken over the telephone.

Conference no-shows are ineligible for a refund.

Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law Limited
ANZSIL Secretariat | c/o ANU College of Law, Governance and Policy | Australian National University | 5 Fellows Road | Canberra ACT 2601
ABN 77 683 130 190

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